Witness consciousness is available
to you at all times. It is neutral and observes everything. Witness
consciousness can observe how you feel physically, it can observe the quality
of your emotions, and it can observe the activity of your mind. So for just a
few minutes, be in witness. With your eyes closed, feel your feet on the earth,
feel the weight of your body on your feet, and feel the expansion of light with
the breath. And then, just observe everything else from the place of the
neutral observer.
The witness consciousness is your
consciousness merging with the universal consciousness of God. When you succeed
in quieting yourself with the breath, when you succeed in focusing on the sound
and sensation of the breath, and when you feel your energy ascend to your crown
and Soul Star, you are merged with the consciousness of God. This pivotal practice creates peace and
beauty within. Without merging with this resonance, stillness, and neutral
love, you are resonating in your own personality.
The pivotal practice of witness
consciousness allows us to ascend and to become neutral and peaceful, and yet
it still allows everything around us to be as it is. There is no suppression —
of anything. From the witness consciousness, you can still feel everything you
are feeling. The qualities of your thoughts are functioning, however they are
functioning. You are not trying to achieve the appearance of a spiritual or
holy person through practicing the witness consciousness. Witness consciousness
is an inner practice, and if you do it, you are revealing you, to yourself.
The benefit of the witness consciousness
is that it brings you into God’s vibration so that in the midst of all the
disturbances of this plane—the constant pulling back and forth—you find the neutral
balancing point. Merging with this harmony stabilizes you. And when you are
stable, you affect others and everything around you in a positive way. When you
stabilize yourself, through the practice of the breath, meditation, and witness
consciousness, the effect of that helps everything in an unseen, vibrational, but very powerful
You must first cultivate a desire to control
yourself because everyone, unconsciously, indulges in their thoughts and
emotions. Everyone wants to engage in justification, questioning, judging,
anger, frustration, and constant conversation. All manifestations of being a human being will
remain. You do not want to suppress or
repress anything. Strive to learn how to mature and expand your consciousness
so that you can resonate with the resonance of God and realize beauty and
peace. Then, you can stabilize yourself, and when you do so, you can affect the
whole in a positive way.
For this to happen, the seed willingness
to control yourself (to mature your emotional body) must be nurtured and grown inside
of you. If you see that you are getting “crazy” about something, it then
becomes your responsibility to ground and stabilize that energy through the
breath, through the resonance of the still point, and through witness
consciousness. Witness consciousness can help you see, neutrally. When you
cannot become neutral, then you are in one pole or another. I am right, they are wrong, they are good,
they are bad, I am not good enough, they are better than me, I agree, I
disagree, etc. Veering from pole to pole can never change until you can
sustain neutrality within. In the neutral consciousness of God, there is
perfect equality of everything and of everyone.
Let the seed willingness inside of
you bring you to this place over and over and over again. If you are a mature
spiritual practitioner, you will not judge yourself for what you see because
that destroys your practice. If you observe yourself and you say, “Wow, I said
something really bad to that person,” or “Gee, I’m feeling greedy about this,”
or, “Boy, I’m such a bad person,” you cannot know peace and beauty in that place.
Peace and beauty are void of judgment. Your observation is not to be used
against you; it is to be used in neutral, unconditional love to merge yourself
with the holy resonance.
Do you want to realize peace and
beauty? Because if you do, it is there. Thou art that. It is within you, it has always been there,
and it will always be there.
when I observe that I’m having an unkind thought, or that I’m angry, or
whatever, when do I use the tools to burn it?
Right then. That is the tool.
noticing it?
Yes, noticing it first, then
consciously breathing into it with long, deep breaths, to stabilize the neutral
witness. You notice it, you observe it,
and you are neutral. It arises, it is, it
dissolves. That is the practice of the witness. It arises – okay, you are
upset, you are feeling it, but you are practicing witness consciousness, so you
are breathing, your energy is ascending, and it is neutral; there is no
judgment. The energy of your thoughts and emotions can release like a wave; the
wave comes in and then the wave goes out. It is not a complex head process. The
breath is the fire. The breath is
doing all the work, and you are sitting in the fire. That is what to do; sit there, and breathe,
breathe, breathe, and be in witness consciousness. It is not
an intellectual process of figuring things out.
what if it’s a karmic pattern that keeps coming back, one that I don’t seem to be
able to neutralize? Do I stay with it?
Yes, over and over and over again,
whenever the pattern comes up. That is the practice of engaging the witness
consciousness in meditation.
there a difference between meeting ourselves in meditation, as opposed to
meeting ourselves out in the “real world”?
No, it is all the same. It is like
yoga. There is on the mat, and there is off the mat. We go on the mat to learn
how to do postures and to breathe consciously into what is tight and rigid in
our bodies (of course, the tightness in the body correlates with the rigidity
of the mind). On the mat we strive to soften and open. The purpose is to integrate
what you have learned on the mat,
with the body, and to translate it to when you are off the mat. Yoga is about your internal consciousness everywhere. Likewise, if you are sitting
in meditation and a fear arises, or if you are driving down the road and a fear
arises, what you do about it is the same. You breathe and open.
Transformation does not depend upon
being in a particular posture, although postures can initially be the gateway for
realizing deeper states of awareness. However, the witness consciousness is not
like a pose in yoga. Witness consciousness is
the consciousness of God. It is the part of us that is connected to the Divine.
That is beyond words. What is my relationship with God? Everybody has to find his or her way there;
no one else can do that for you.
(August 24, 2014)
Maresha's next blog will be published February 3, 2015.
Messages of Light is published by the Sanctuary of Universal Light on Snow Dragon Mountain in Meredith, New Hampshire. A snail mail edition is available bi-monthly, free of charge. www.snowdragonsanctuary.com
Messages of Light is published by the Sanctuary of Universal Light on Snow Dragon Mountain in Meredith, New Hampshire. A snail mail edition is available bi-monthly, free of charge. www.snowdragonsanctuary.com