Your intuition allows you to receive inspiration, ideas and insights (with “green lights” that say yes) or impulses that arrive with blockages or dead ends (with “red lights” that say no). As you receive this information, you come into direct relationship with personal guidance. This is your empowerment and you can return to this center over and over, moment by moment, to be guided in trust and love to your own heart’s desire. Spirit wants for you what you want for yourself.
Huge currents of life wash upon you in many ways. You are frequently tested and challenged. When these waves come, be still. Just take a moment to become still and to go within. In this stillness, your light body can register the impulses, and you can then intuit how these impulses are guiding you.
Your physical body is energized by your light body and depends on it, so you must feed your light body first. Then your physical body can draw the nourishment it needs from the light. The light creates vitality and health. As you go within, are still, and breathe deeply, you activate your feeling center and light body which, in turn, nourish the physical body. The light will strengthen your aura, sealing off the holes of anger, greed, jealousy and fear. As these holes are sealed and you become whole, you gain and sustain the strength to withstand the inevitable waves of life. This strength has its roots in your own divinity. Thou Art That. You are already that which you are seeking. You already have everything you need. You just need to return, and return again, to the door of your own heart.
Whatever burden you are carrying, put it down. You do not have to carry it. Give it to the Mother. Return and return again to that which you already are. She has you. Find this resonance and let it open your heart to peace and love. It is the essence of the beauty of the rose. The perfection of color, configuration and intoxicating scent is what you are. Place a rose on your altar, and during meditation and prayer time, take time to drink in its beauty.
You are trusting Love when you hold this center. Anything around you can disassemble and reassemble. Everything changes. The one constant is the ever present Golden Center of the rose within your own heart. You are divine. See with divine eyes. Speak with divine words. Hear with divine ears. Work with divine hands and feel with your divine heart. The divine door is within you.
Maresha's next blog will be published December 3.
Messages of Light is published by the Sanctuary of Universal Light on Snow Dragon Mountain in Meredith, New Hampshire.