Tuesday, April 15, 2014

In the Fire of the Desire to be Beautiful and Peaceful

Today is Palm Sunday, a very holy time. This is the day that marks the beginning of Holy Week when Jesus fulfilled the prophecy and was received as the Master that he was. When he entered the city of Jerusalem, the people rejoiced and took palm fronds from the trees to lay a path for Him. As a spiritual community, we are observant right now of Christ consciousness. Christ consciousness comes to us on this day and during this Holy Week when Jesus was celebrated, forsaken and crucified, and then resurrected on Easter Sunday. 
We hold the consciousness of Christ, not according to any particular dogma or religion, but in the consciousness of His consciousness. Christ allowed himself to die, physically and in all other respects, in order to be reborn in the consciousness of God, in the consciousness of the pure light. We reflect on this Master consciousness within ourselves in order to become peaceful and beautiful. We strive to lay down all conflict and let it go so we may realize unity, love, beauty and peace. This week, keep your inner fire going: the fire of the desire to be peaceful and beautiful.  This desire is what generates the willingness to pray, to meditate, to learn and to self-reflect. This desire gives birth to the soft, permeable willingness within.

Do not judge the challenging places that arise and create discomfort and suffering in you. These places are the fuel for the spiritual fire for transformation. During this time, because Christ consciousness affected the collective and all of humanity, reflect upon the mirrors you create in your life because what you see outside of you is a reflection of what is inside of you. When you have a reaction to someone or something that is challenging or difficult, it is not about the external circumstance that you may think it is; it is about you. 
When we are in reaction, it feels very real. It feels like the other person or the outside circumstance is the cause of your suffering. Use the spiritual fire and inner willingness to meet the wall of the self—your own inner hardness—to melt and soften what separates you from the other. Allow your inner willingness to own your reaction. Put it in the fire of the desire to be harmless. As soon as you own your reaction, inner transformation is happening. This inner fire is light. It is the very essence of consciousness. As Christ teaches, the kingdom of heaven is within.

I’m struggling with a situation with my neighbor who shares a house with me; it really got blown up last night. She’s doing crazy things.

The real issue is: How do I meet this challenge? All of the events and pieces that are making up the drama, are just the pieces that are making up the drama. As soon as you want to make someone wrong and yourself right, you are not doing the practice. I do not care what the situation is. That is not to say that there is not a right action for you to find through your guidance. What I am saying is, it is exactly at such times that we feel most justified in our righteousness. It is exactly this kind of thing that makes us want to tear our hair out because we wonder, “Why is this happening to me?” That person is crazy, right? She’s off her rocker.

Throw it into the light of the fire of the desire to be peaceful and beautiful. Understand that this is not a mistake; it is for you to find a way through this to come out being peaceful and beautiful. Whatever it is that arises in you, is what is coming up for healing, and that is what you put into the fire.

I don’t trust her; I don’t feel safe.

I am not saying I know what you will decide to do ultimately; you might decide not to live there, for instance. However, if you make that decision, make it with being peaceful and beautiful. Make it with the understanding that you take full responsibility for the circumstances you find yourself in.

Be vigilant this week and do not get lost in the story details whenever you talk to anyone about this. During this Holy Week, try not to find somebody to talk to so that you can go into complaining and breaking it down piece by piece to show how crazy or how unbalanced she is. Try to hold it in the sacred consciousness of putting it in the fire of the desire to be peaceful and beautiful.  You could certainly say to someone, “Yes, I’m having a challenge right now,” but then really, really put it into the fire. If you don’t put it into the fire, what will you do? You will be putting out your violence everywhere. And what will you get back? The same thing.

I’m hoping to talk to her directly today.

Do not have an expectation that she is going to somehow be transformed by your transformation. We do not have any power to change anyone. Your power is what you do with it inside, how you take it, how you look at it, how you work with it, and ultimately, in letting it go. 

The release of karma is the outcome of the burning in the fire. Your position and your opinion stop. You meet the challenge fully, with full acceptance. That is the only way karma gets transformed. If you do not do that, you will have a whole series of re-created events in life that will happen with different people in different places, but in the big picture and in the long run, it will all feel the same.

So what can I do to prepare myself?

Do not fight her fear. Let her fully express what she needs to express, and when she is done, then respond. In having her full expression, she will not be coming up against anything to push harder against in order to feel safe or heard.

Your shared house is a responsibility. Step up to respond because you said you would. Be fully present with this person. Meet this situation. If you get into a relationship of any kind, be responsible and conscious.

I love knowing I have the power to hold the light to be a peaceful and beautiful person. I dearly love it, I cherish it, I honor and respect it, and I have a deep desire to share it. It is such an opportunity for you to be, and to create yourself to be, peaceful and beautiful. I cannot think of anything more important for this world and this dimension than this. I really cannot. We are reflecting on consciousness, love, self-responsibility, and empowerment, all of the things that allow us to feel fully alive and fully inspired to be who we are as we go through life. It is such a full, deep, and abiding place that each person can grow—you can grow it! Do not expect to arrive at an absolute place. The willingness to return and return again is all you need to feed the fire of the desire to be peaceful and beautiful. 

When I say “peaceful and beautiful,” do not assume that to be peaceful and beautiful means that you never experience fire and never raise your voice in life. You do! But it means that you know the difference between being an angry person, perpetrating energies on others that are violent, versus being in a fiery, inspired moment of clarity. There is a difference, and we must be honest with that. One can be excited and happy and still be peaceful. One can be sad and compassionate and still be peaceful.

Today, on this day that marks the beginning of Holy Week, each of you will be given a palm frond to take home and keep on your altar all week in remembrance of Holiness. Do not get caught up in Christianity versus this or that; just let it be a symbol of Holiness, a symbol of spiritual community, and a symbol of spiritual path work. Feed your fire by your desire to be peaceful and beautiful. 

(April 2007)

Maresha's next blog will be published April 22, 2014. 

Messages of Light is published by the Sanctuary of Universal Light on Snow Dragon Mountain in Meredith, New Hampshire. www.snowdragonsanctuary.com.