Tuesday, March 31, 2015

They Changed the World with their Love

They Changed the World with their Love

How does this work translate into living in a democracy where we need to be active so that our democracy will work? If I go to the State House and stand vigil to show my support for something that will help others, is that being fearful?

That is not necessarily fearful, but if you want to fight something or someone else, that is fearful. Look to Martin Luther King and to civil disobedience. Look to speaking the truth in one’s heart and then being absolutely nonviolent about it, and even being willing to take a beating or be killed for it. Look there, and you will have your answer.

Martin Luther King was able to mobilize a huge leap in consciousness for humanity through love. He was fearless, and he taught, “Do not fight back.” Gandhi taught, “Do not fight back.” Those are your role models. Transformation does not happen by making the opposite side wrong by fighting them.
Are you willing to stand in fearlessness and be guided by your heart? Your spiritual role models were not fighters. They were fearless, and they changed the world with their love; they upheld this consciousness so absolutely that nothing could pierce it.

Even though Gandhi and Martin Luther King were both assassinated, their consciousness was not assassinated; the consciousness they carried and gave words to, is stronger than ever. People like Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and Jesus Christ bring new levels of consciousness to humanity; they do not stop the perpetration overall, but it does change, and it does transform. This is the world of illusion and samsara; it just is. So these illusions exist here and will get played out until souls, one at a time, decide not to play them out anymore and become beautiful.

When you are fearless and your heart is open, you catch the river, the love stream. That is when you merge with the stream of love that has been carrying you all along. That is when you surrender and let that stream take you where it wants to. In that letting go, you experience freedom; something opens up because you are not closing down somewhere or trying to make things shift somehow. You are going with the flow.

I’m wondering how you define violence. Is it, plain and simple, separation from God, or is it some sort of perpetration of that separation on others?

Violence is a perpetration. It is using one’s energy to overpower in some way, shape, or form, someone else or other people. I have always said that in the Great Circle of Life, we have all been perpetrated upon, and we have all been perpetrators. The season of Lent commemorates, with spiritual awareness, the forty days that Christ spent in the desert and faced the temptations of the devil. When he came out, he began his public ministry and moved toward the culmination of his teaching and his eventual death. Christ’s teaching is all about forgive them, for they know not what they do. You see, Christ consciousness understood that his perpetrators were unconscious and did not know what they were doing. He understood that. Christ consciousness, that expanded, fearless, open heart, transcended personal suffering, and in those moments of crucifixion, forgave everyone who had perpetrated upon him and was causing him pain. How much harder does it get than being whipped and pierced and nailed to a cross and hung up to die? There are no exceptions to the Christ consciousness of forgiveness for the perpetrators.  

Maresha's next blog will be published April 7, 2015.

Messages of Light is published by the Sanctuary of Universal Light on Snow Dragon Mountain in Meredith, New Hampshire. A snail mail edition is available bi-monthly, free of charge. www.snowdragonsanctuary.com