Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Quest: There is No Place to Go, There is Nothing to Do . . .

I have a question. Is the witness consciousness the same as the soul? What is it that’s watching us?

That is the question. What is it that is watching us? That is something for you to really explore through your own experience. Going into witness consciousness is bringing your consciousness to another place. This place is neutral. It is not judging, evaluating, drawing conclusions, or making projections; it is just simply observing.

What is it observing? It is observing what is. That is why I always say, it arises, it is, it dissolves. Everything that we think is so real, is not real. It arises, it is, it dissolves. That is the wave, the energy of waves of emotions and waves of thoughts. If you can observe them neutrally, they arise, you observe them, and then, if you sit with them and observe them long enough, however long that may be, they will dissolve

But who is observing? Sit in witness consciousness, and witness yourself witnessing; see what you see. It is a wonderful, lovingly detached place where, if you can really arrive there within yourself through sustained practice and purification, you will never take yourself so seriously again because everything is changing all the time. Not to take yourself seriously is another way of saying you will not be so self-absorbed, but you will be much more attuned to the flow of light and love. You will be carried on these currents which are peaceful even when there are difficulties and challenges; there is a peace and  steadiness there, no matter what is going on around you.

So your question is one that every spiritual warrior, seeker, or student should explore. If I wanted to answer from the head, I would say that the witness is the part of our consciousness that merges with God. But those are just words. It is better to watch what you are feeling and thinking when you are practicing the witness. It is better in that expanded state of consciousness to observe what that feels like, what the qualities of the witness are, and to learn how to be swift in going there. 

The witness place is the only place that can save you from your perpetual reaction to the stimulus of whatever or whomever in life.  Do not be like Pavlov’s dog, salivating instantly at the stimulus and thinking you have no control over it, because you do. It is time to stop acting like a salivating dog (unconsciousness) and start realizing your highest potential of spiritual awareness (consciousness).

Sometimes it seems that the reaction is so quick that only after the fact do I remember to witness it.

That is just you thinking your reaction actually means something so that you can tell yourself, “Oh, I didn’t catch that, I wasn’t quick enough.” I know when I feel a reaction; I don’t have to think about it. Just as quickly as the reaction is there, I feel it, and I know instantaneously that this is the work. When your practice is sustained, your reactions turn into responses. Let us say your husband says something to you and it presses a button. You know instantly that your button is pressed, and you know instantly that you have a choice: are you going to raise your voice, get frustrated and mad, or are you going to control yourself and breathe and be in witness? Find the fire to be beautiful. Find the fire to forge your life in every moment. You do not know how many moments you have; every one is a jewel, every one is so precious.  

With all of the current events and other issues we bring up here, it is always the same. It comes back to personal responsibility and finding what keeps your heart open so you can continue to love and feel and find your own points of balance for the best integration you can possibly create for yourself. It always comes back to being responsible for your thoughts, words, and deeds. It all comes back to that place. Nothing else is within your means to change, but you can change yourself, and when you do, it affects the whole.
People join organizations, go on marches, and participate in protests in order to bring about change. I am not saying that none of that is good, but it is not very effective. What happens there is that issues become polarized: this is good, and this is bad. Then your position becomes reinforced and you get into a fight. That is war.

So there is no place to go, there is nothing to do, and it takes everything you’ve got. You are already here, you are it, Thou art that. Over and over and over again, to the same place. There is no new technique, there is no new channeled information. All of that may be interesting, but none of it is going to make any difference except to take you off point. It will not do the work for you, but sitting everyday in meditation will, living life as a prayer will, and living life as a meditation will. Saying thank you and being grateful every day will. All the really simple things will sustain you. The beauty that is all around us is astounding and so very sustaining. The heat of the fire is sustaining, the thirst-quenching water is sustaining, the food is sustaining; there is so much that sustains us. We are so blessed, so blessed.
(October 19, 2014)

Maresha's next blog will be published February 24, 2015.

Messages of Light is published by the Sanctuary of Universal Light on Snow Dragon Mountain in Meredith, New Hampshire. A snail mail edition is available bi-monthly, free of charge. www.snowdragonsanctuary.com