Friday, July 24, 2015

The Release of Karma

In your own way and at your own pace, you are all walking on the path of love. That means that you have inside of you a call to grow and to expand and to be a beautiful person, to be a good person.  How do you succeed at that and how do you fail at that? We always look at our failures in order to learn from them. We’re happy to do that and to observe ourselves with great love and compassion.  So what happens when you have been going forward in a good way, and then you start to slip?  Maybe you catch yourself through your practice or your remembrance. Or maybe you don’t, and you fall.  What happens in that process?

It happened to me a lot this week. My neighbor was angry with me, and I got angry with him. Then I got into an argument with somebody at work. 

So what generated that? What caused you to fight and perpetrate harm through your fight?

I felt justified somehow; I felt my position was right and he was a jerk.

The moment we think we’re really right about something, we’re on the wrong track. You have the perfect karmic set-up here to keep trying to learn the lesson that your soul is trying to learn. So the universe is working in harmony for you. Everybody feels justified in their anger; they feel right about what they are saying and feeling.  But when we’re conscious, we go way beyond that; we know that we’re not justified because we are no longer in the right-and-wrong, power-struggle place. So what generates failure, or what we might call a “sin”?  

The wound? The wound that is the karmic blueprint that we came in with.

Everybody is born with a karmic blueprint. When you leave this plane, you will not be the same as when you came in, because in this continuum called life, we learn. Every soul learns something in some way. So your blueprint at the end is different from your blueprint at the beginning, and you will start your next cycle wherever you leave off. The period between birth and death is really important because it is your learning time, the time when you get to transform that blueprint which is your karma.
The release of karma is learning how not to respond in the same way to the same situation. What happens is that the wound, the primary wound, created your karma in the past. It brought you here with that blueprint and then every experience that you have with whomever you’re having it with—the landlord or the person at work—is generated by your primary wound. That repetition of staying in and returning to that place is what generates “sin.”  

When we were young, we learned the rules about how to treat others: Do this and don’t do that.  We believed we understood those rules, but then we found out that we do perpetrate harm, and we do offend others. So we have to go beyond that recognition and find out what generates our behavior in order for us to find our liberation and our freedom from the repetitive actions that cause us pain. You must hold your intention in your consciousness for your release by recognizing what you do that keeps you restricted over and over and over again. In order to be free, you have to be willing to look at how you fail yourself. That is what reflection and healing are all about, and that is why we give great thanks for the reflections that are teaching us.

Is the wound different for everyone?

There are variations on a theme. We human beings are all similar in our vibrational and human constitutions. The wound is an open hole that cannot contain the light; it’s like a leak in the plumbing that cannot contain water.  The water comes in and goes right down the drain. Most people have these holes, and they lose their light and their love when they feed these holes.

Begin to identify for yourself the ways in which you lose your love. When you feel isolated, when you feel separated, when you feel burned out, when you feel angry, when you feel jealous, and when you feel needy, you are feeding the hole. You especially breathe life into the hole when you feel justified in it.

When at last you stop feeding the wound by believing in it with your consciousness, it starts to get cauterized with light, and the strands of light weave the fabric of your consciousness back into wholeness so that you are no longer losing your light and your love, and you are beginning to be able to contain the light consistently and to lift yourself up and then to be able to serve. 

Remember that the one great blessing that we are born with in this dimension is to serve the universe and everything in it. If there’s a drain going on, you cannot serve. Most of the time you can only take care of yourself because you are losing your energy. What do you have left to give if you are losing your light and your love down this hole? You must identify through self-reflection those ways in which you leave yourself and lose your love so that you can contain that light.

Unlike in some traditions and in some religions, we do not say that to sin is bad and to not sin is good. I believe in sin when we human beings get lost and in our unconsciousness we perpetrate harm. What I am saying to you is to recognize in our humanity that we are learning and that we learn through our flaws and failures. We’re willing to have the courage to see our failures and to step up and to rise up and to carry on. 
What a charge we have, what an opportunity we have to serve ourselves and to serve everyone in this place! It is a very, very powerful time on the planet. Every one of you chose to be here at this time and to do the things that you are doing in order to be a better person every single day. It is so important for you to know how to grow your love in a good way and then how to contain the light. Then you become like the quality and the characteristics of the source of life which is infinite and always light because you can contain it, you can hold it.
When you see that you’re not holding the light, don’t skip a beat. Go into a practice that you know or you have been given, use a spiritual tool to lift yourself up into the frequency that is the one you choose to resonate with. You might, for example, go into the forest and connect for a few minutes with nature and with the sacred act of prayer. It helps you to remember instantly, and you can go into healing.
As you learn to love yourselves more deeply and hold more light than ever, you will be able to understand other people. As within, so without. How can you have understanding for other people if you don’t have understanding for yourself first?  You cannot. If you have a hole of anger in you, you’re going to find all the people who have the same hole, and they’re going to reflect it back to you.  So give thanks for those people who are helping to show you what you need to see. That’s how it works. 

(May 2007)

Maresha's next blog will be published Tuesday, July 28, 2015.

Messages of Light is published by the Sanctuary of Universal Light on Snow Dragon Mountain in Meredith, New Hampshire. A snail mail edition is available bi-monthly, free of charge.

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